Excerpt from Your Hidden Superpower
One way to describe the power of kindness is that it maintains the relationship for who and what you attract or are affirming in your life. It can magnetize you for brief moments with people too. I once attended a book signing and watched as the author greeted the guests and the children of those who attended the signing as they came up to greet him. These kids had not read his book, but they were powerfully drawn to him. He was captivating the whole room and looked everyone in the eye as if they were the most important person in the world. It reminded me of a quote from a book I read about Mother Teresa, that when people would meet her, she made them feel like they were the only person in the room.
A kindness shown to us, can compel or confirm our direction. One day when I was in the office, I saw one of my producers and thanked her for sending me encouraging emails. Kelly had sent me a few notes while I had been out of the country on a multi-week assignment in Asia. On an assignment like that it is easy to slip into a feeling of isolation, being away from home and in a whole different time zone. We were in front of a camera for hours at a time, surrounded by media outlets from all around the world, fenced into (rather crammed into) a small space beside street vendors and roadside restaurants. It averaged 90 degrees with 90 percent humidity outside, unless it was raining. On top of that, there was a 14-hour time difference from New York so we were up late and back at it again early every day. Kelly replied,
“You know, people will be doing a great job and we will have meetings and those who did the work are not getting any of that positive feedback because they are working so hard or in another time zone or sleeping after being up all day. I know it’s hard to be away from home, especially for a long time on the road and I just want to pass those gleaming reports back to the people who did the work.”
The fact that she would sense how I might be feeling and take the time to send an email spoke volumes to me. I saved those emails. One read:
“You are crushing it. So captivating. It is so clear that you are so much more than a journalist - can feel your compassion through your reporting. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING today!”
This note not only made me feel appreciated, it was an affirmation of a goal I had made for my career from the beginning, which was to deliver compassionate and compelling journalism. Her note wasn’t just nice - this was powerfully kind.
“Good Morning America” anchor Robin Roberts said to me when she first met me, “You fill the room.” Genuine kindness changes the atmosphere into this typically rarified air where we are present, engaged, and boldly living life at 100% authenticity. It’s a reality available to all of us. Kindness will truly give you the power to be who you are born to be.
You won’t just make an entrance or impression; you will fill the room.
Your Hidden Superpower from Adrienne Bankert Available 6/9

About the Author
Adrienne Bankert
Adrienne Bankert saw firsthand how the power of kindness could work in her career.
Adrienne is an Emmy Award-winning national news correspondent with ABC News, has won two Emmys for her work as an interviewer, reporter, and weekend entertainment anchor on Good Morning America. She’s known for her versatility and ability to connect while reporting on major headlines.
She will tell you that the genuine warmth and relatability she exhibits in her interviews, and through the screen into millions of homes across America, comes from the habit of practicing connection and kindness.