Hardcover and audiobook of "The Energy Advantage"

Go from Managing Your Time to Mastering Your

Today’s leaders must bring emotional and spiritual energy to their roles and create a space in which both they and their team members feel safe to challenge each other, grow together, and thrive.

The Advantage

How to Go from Managing Your Time to Mastering Your Energy

How do you maximize your success and impact as a leader while maintaining your stamina and sanity? The answer doesn’t lie in simple “efficiency.” It’s not about making better use of your time and resources. It’s about understanding how energy works and how to tap into its power.

Many people live lives of intense, and false, emotional compartmentalization. For example, they strive to be one person in the corner office (invincible warrior) and another person at the dinner table (sensitive spouse), and they struggle to keep those two lives from bleeding into and contradicting each other. But as it turns out, this takes a tremendous amount of energy and is almost always impossible. One person can’t be two different people.

So how do you live an integrated life of fulfillment, purpose, and success? How do you create an alignment between head, heart, and the creative power that is in coherence with your true self? The answer is both simple and complex: You need to move from managing your time to mastering your energy.

For more than a decade and a half, Ricardo Sunderland has worked with the leaders of some of the largest and most recognizable companies in the world. He has learned firsthand that for today’s leaders—at all levels in their organizations—mental and physical energy are no longer all you need for success. Today’s leaders must bring emotional and spiritual energy to their roles and create a space in which both they and their team members feel safe to challenge each other, grow together, and thrive.

Given this major leadership challenge, leaders must gain the energy advantage.

You will learn:

  • What gives you energy.
  • How to identify the energy blockers that are holding you back.
  • That every situation presents a choice for you to unlock the transformational source of energy within you.
  • The path to gaining the energy advantage on seven distinct levels.
Ricardo Sunderland


Ricardo Sunderland


Transformational Coach with Egon Zehnder


Ricardo Sunderland


Transformational Coach with Egon Zehnder

Audiobook of "The Energy Advantage"

"Ricardo masterfully breaks down what it takes to harness your energy and take actionable steps towards unleashing your full potential as a leader."

Jane Fraser, CEO Citigroup


"Ricardo's book makes a passionate and compelling plea, to unleash your energy, it starts by shifting the energy within you."

Dolf Van Den Brink, CEO & Chairman of the Executive Board Heineken


"The keys for a profound journey of personal transformation through our own energy. Incredibly powerful!"

Alejandro Reynal, CEO Four Seasons


"We need more thought leaders to be themselves both in their professional and their personal lives."

Daniel Servitje Montull, Chairman & CEO Grupo Bimbo

Hardcover of "The Energy Advantage"

International Orders





Ricardo Sunderland

About the Author

Ricardo Sunderland is a Transformational Coach with Egon Zehnder, a global leadership advisory firm. His life’s purpose is to help leaders connect to and manage their energy to become humane leaders. He shows senior leaders how to bring coherence to their leadership, unlock their full potential, and become a better version of themselves. He also collaborates with the Chair and Nominating Committee responsible for CEO and C-suite successions and supports newly appointed CEOs in their processes of transition and integration.