Identifying and Managing Project Risk 4th Edition
Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project
On Sale: January 30, 2024
Price: $44.99
Book Summary
The most essential component of every project manager’s job is the ability to identify potential risks before they cause unnecessary headaches and turmoil all around.
About the Book
The most essential component of every project manager’s job is the ability to identify potential risks before they cause unnecessary headaches and turmoil all around.
All projects are inherently risky, and complex ones can potentially be the downfall for even the most experienced project manager. From technical challenges and resource issues to unrealistic deadlines and problems with your subcontractors, any number of things can go wrong.
Fully updated, consistent with PMI® standards, and addressing “VUCA” (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity—the now-common business and project management acronym), this book remains the definitive resource for project managers seeking to be proactive in their efforts to guard against failure and minimize unwanted surprises.
Identifying and Managing Project Risk draws on real-world situations and hundreds of risk examples to show you how to:
- Thoroughly discover and document risks
- Use risk assessment techniques effectively
- Implement a system for monitoring and controlling projects
- Personalize proven methods for project risk management on any type of project
Complete with fresh guidance on program risk management, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, simulation and modeling, and significant “non-project” risks, this one-stop indispensable resource is what every project manager needs to avoid chaos and keep their projects on track.
'As project managers progress in their careers, from leading small initiatives to taking responsibility for large-scale strategic deliverables, many realize that they lack sufficient expertise in dealing with inevitable volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity factors (VUCA) which could thwart their goals. This book by a knowledgeable, articulate veteran with an outstanding professional track record provides comprehensive, clear, and useful instructions.'
'I believe this is a great book, and I will be recommending it to my project management students. I think is well structured, and what I liked most are: the Panama Canal Case study, the clarity of the diagrams, the key points at the end of each chapter, and the clear flow of the book.'
'One of the best business books on the market to expose readers to the 'Uh-oh's' and 'What-ifs' of any business undertaking. Kendrick does an extremely thorough job at peeling the onion back to expose multiple layers of uncertainty. Having used the previous version as a textbook for our undergraduate Construction Risk Management course, I am delighted to be able to include this latest version in the course syllabus.'
'The best handbook we know of is now even better -- an invaluable resource for anyone practicing program or project risk management. Tom's World-class PERIL database is priceless.'
'This book provides really valuable insight with small theoretical components brought to light by large real world practical examples. Each chapter enables a concept to be truly understood and applied. Essential reading for any project team if they want to improve their project outcomes.'
'This book shows you what to do, with examples at each step of the process. There is a full explanation of risk implications for scope, schedule and resources, as well as common risk mitigation strategies that will help you get a head start in knowing what to do about your project risks. If you've ever wondered how to 'do' risk management, this book will make it completely clear and save you from the headaches of, 'If only we'd thought about that in advance.'
'Identifying and Managing Project Risk is the most comprehensive project risk playbook I have ever seen. If you use just one book as a reference, this should be it.'
Product Details
- ISBN: 9781400239986
- ISBN 10: 1400239982
- On Sale: January 30, 2024
- Pages: 592
- List Price: $44.99
- Trim Size: 138.000in x 212.000in x 1.190in
- Category 1 : BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Project Management
- Category 2 : BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Insurance / Risk Assessment & Management
- Category 3 : BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management
- Category 4 : BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Production & Operations Management